Sunday, May 16, 2010


As I walk through the Forest I see all the leaves falling from the trees I say Is it Autumn already the leaves are as brown as the mud!!!!!. I stumble towards the leaves as I can feel them tickling my toes they feel crispy and crunchy and they break easily. They smell like rotten eggs they are red, brown, yellow and green they are as bumpy as a hump on a camels back.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


WALT describe with voice

Come on Con we are coming round to our first lap alright then as we are running to put the bean in I hear MOVE IT THAT'S PATHETIC BOYS I want both of you up at the front. we run as fast as a cheetah up to the front but we start to slow down it's so painful It feels like your been for a 15 K run an then straight after that you have to do a sprint race against the fastest kid in skool and you just win so thats what the cross country run felt like PAINFUL

Monday, May 10, 2010


WALT Describe with voice
Mrs Walker jumps around on the stage like a bazaar, blue, bouncy, ball,. She works so hard in jump jam that she sweats like a ice cream melting on a hot summer day and her voice is so loud she could call to all the animals in the world and they would come to her. she is so fast. If the mouse was 5 meters away from her she could catch it with her hands in 5 seconds flat so that is what Mrs Walker is like. BY CAELUM

Thursday, May 6, 2010

what they are going to win

strawberry smoothie

boysenberry smoothie

banana smoothie

blueberry smoothie

raspberry smoothie

grape smoothie

Sunday, May 2, 2010


sea monsters, boats, made up names,, snapper, great white shark, dolphin,
underwater explosion, red life jackets

HELLO my name is Hiwi and one day I was out fishing with my mates. I had three mates one was called Caleb, Mike and Kale. Mike had caught a fish and it was a big one so he asked us for help we all pulled and we had finally pulled it in and it was a.......... GREAT WHITE SHARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's tummy was as white as the clouds and its teeth were chewing the boat like it was our own motor snapping our boat in half we all jumped out
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we screamed. 'here comes a dolphin' it chases the shark away and pops his head out of the water and says bye little BOBO. want to play a game says HIWI alright then but first just let me get something as Caleb goes over to get something he hears a SPLASH!!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH a sea monster. Hey come back I just want to make friends cause lonely we are sorry that we ran away we'll be your friends really yes thank you. we were just about to play a game would you like to play yes please what game are we playing last card cool I'm the best a that game we'll see about that. While they were playing last card mike said last card and Larry the sea monster said know your have 2 cards left your just hiding one be Quiet YELLS Mike but that's cheating who cares I'm not your friends anymore we'll go away then. A day later the sea monster and his family come back and they fought his X friends but it wasn't enough Hiwi and mike were left standing and they got taken back to shore on a boat and they went to get McDonald THE END